Dr.Claudine Kumba
Medical Doctor Paediatric Anaesthesia and Critical Care Necker Enfants-Malades University Hospital France
Title: PerioperativeEchocardiographicHemodynamicParameters and PostoperativeOutcome inPediatricSurgical Patients : Descriptive Observational Pilot Studies
Biography: Dr.Claudine Kumba
Background :Two pilot observational trials wereelaborated, in pediatric patients scheduled for congenitalheartdiseasesurgicalrepair and in non cardiacpediatric patients (1,2). Thesestudieswereundertaken to determineperioperativeechocardiographicparameterspredictive of postoperativeoutcomes in terms of morbidity, length of intensive care unit stay (LOSICU), length of mechanical ventilation (LMV), length of hospitalstay (LOS), fluidtherapy and vasopressor-inotropictherapy.
Theseechocardiographichemodynamicparameterswillbeintegrated in tworandomizedcontrolled trials (RCT) inpediatriccardiacsurgery and in non cardiacpediatricsurgical patients (3,4). These RCT willdetermine the impact of perioperative goal directedfluid and hemodynamictherapy (PGDFHT) on postoperativeoutcome in children in terms of postoperativemorbidity, LOSICU, LMV, LOS, fluidtherapy and vasopressor-inotropictherapy. All theseclinical trials are part of a Thesisin preparationentitled‘Do goal directedtherapiesimprovepostoperativeoutcome in children ? (Perioperative Goal DirectedFluid and HemodynamicTherapy ; Transfusion goal directedtherapyusingviscoelasticmethods and enhancedrecoveryaftersurgery and Postoperativeoutcome)’.This Thesis in preparationcanbevisualizedat http://www.theses.fr/s232762.
Objectives : To determineperioperativehemodynamicechocardiographicparameterspredictive of postoperativeoutcome
Results : Preliminaryresults are presented
Conclusions : Theresults of thesepreliminary trials willbeintegrated in RCT to determine the impact of PGDFHT on postoperativeoutcome in children.